Friday, 30 January 2015

Twenty notsoRandom Facts About Watashi (part two :))

Since there seems to be no any new entry, I am continuing the twenty not so random facts ;D


11. I would bring my laptop into the bathroom so that I could hear to music when my hand phone dies. Which is an occasional thing as you guys know. I would measure the time with the music playing from my laptop.

12. There was this one time where I visited my telephone shop and they had a new worker, A. I haven't meet him yet so I went over and talked with A. After a few minutes, the guy who was preparing my phone, B, called me to check whether the phone meets the requirement I wanted. Hence, I discussed with B concerning my phone. Meanwhile I saw A went out of the shop in a hurry. Probably taking stocks I guessed. By the time I finished talking with B, I saw A was already back and so I adjourned the conversation. The most unbelievable thing that happened was that he actually asked me to go and watch Ah Beng (It was a popular movie at that time) in the cinema at the lower level. *wtfish moment* I said I couldn't cause I have no transport if I didn't went back with my sister. However, he offered to send me home, belanja me makan and he had already bought the ticket. Unbelievable! I refused in the end anyway. so yeah >__< 

13. When I shower, my routine is always the same, unless I don't have the product. I will fist and foremost shampoo my hair. Afterwards, I will condition my hair while waiting for the conditioner to process I will brush my teeth and shave. Once I wash away my conditioner, I will proceed to wash my face and finally I will soap my body (twice sometimes) :D

14. I have listen to a few FULL albums. 
           a) The Cab - Symphony Soldier (excluding Her Love Is My Religion here)
           b) Micheal Buble - Caught In The Act
           c) Frank Sinatra - Greatest Hit | The Best of Frank Sinatra
           d) Fall Out Boys - Save Rock And Roll
       I'm not including Yiruma because I adore SOME of his pieces only. Hence I don't usually listen to the full album, I usually mix. Hm.. I think that's all there is; my favorite albums :)

15. There is about 10 days until I depart from Malaysia to Australia.

16. I don't really like to eat chocolate anymore. I have no idea why. I might have got to the point where I ate too many chocolate in my life and I just am just not fond of them anymore. Well, a more healthy life for me. *thumbs up, grins*

17. I don't know if this counts but my interest changes in an instant. You could see me really obsessed with something so much till the point of no sleep because I'm learning about it. However, when I know the basic or understand how the particular thing works, I tend to lose interest or have less interest in it.

18. I have always wanted a Panda or a Tiger as a really close pet rather than a hamster or a cat. Maybe a grizzly bear even but not a polar bear. or a black bear. oh and a red panda! I wish I was a trillionaire to have these as pets. hmmm... -____- life is so hard.

19.  I find post crossing and using snail mail from friends all over the world is a really precious gift :)

20. *sigh* Finally.. the last one. *wipes sweat off forehead* I was running out of idea already. I still haven't told the person I wanted to tell most about the offer I receive to study abroad.

Well, there you go folks! Twenty random facts about me :) I cracked my brains out in order to get to twenty but I guess it was fun! Hope you find these interesting and I hope it does not bore you too much >____<  See ya soon anonymous folks! Have a wonderful year!

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