So since we know each other, I dont think I need to properly introduce myself, I mean, I wont include such crappy facts such as how old am I and my birthday. Things like that. Not even my full name bcs I act know and memorize and also can write down each of your full name with its correct spelling so I KNOW you do have the same ability as I am....right girls? 😏😏
Ok. Here we go. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
1. Kalau Aida makan rempeyek je, Aida mesti buang kacang dia hahahahaha. Walaupun skrg ni ada rempeyek yg mmg tkde kacang.....I still dont like that one. I prefer the old-school rempeyek eventho I have to remove its nuts. Yes. A lot of work but totally worth it!! Lol
2. My favourite vegetable would be mushroom!!!!! I adore mushroom. Terutamanya cendawan goreng ahhhhhhhh 💖💖💖
Ironically, first two of my facts are regarding food. Oh well. Moving on
3. Sometimes I can be so harsh with my siblings, I'll try to make it up with my patting their heads or smiling/grinning at them. Oh...I hate myself.
4. I used to not like hugs especially with my loved ones bcs I feel em attached to them? I feel needy and clingy. But now I just dont care anymore. Bcs now I know that if I restraint myself from getting or accepting those hugs, there'd be a time one day that I'd seriously regret my decision bcs its like taking what u have now for granted..I mean, not everyone still has a mum to hug..
5. I love to wear inai!!! Hahahahahahaha it makes me feel like a real woman!! I feel so feminine. Seriously. And when I found out that Rasulullah also encourages us woman wears inai (on our fingernails je rasanya, other parts wallahua'lam) that makes my love for inai grows even strongerrrr huhuhuhuuhu. The drawings like the flower that Farhanah drew on my hand pun Aida suka sangat!!!!! It has been my dream to have a henna drawing on my hand hehehehehehe and I would totally do it over and over again!! Inai would never be out of trend looool so much loyalty for inai haahhh, my husband should be jealous hahahahaha
6. Aida sbnarnya tak suka campur bahasa inggeris dgn bahasa melayu dlm satu ayat. Thats why I dont really like typing in Malay. Bcs I know I'd mixed it (accidentally or not, wallahua'lam hahahaha) with English words!! Since I sound really formal-like whenever I typed in full Malay hahahahaha sooo yeahh
7. My dream is actually having a tudung boutique where I work as a receptionist, my sister and Aznira will be the consultants, bcs I'm dreaming of a boutique where we offer to teach people how to wear tudung according to syariah andddd to be stylish at the same time!!! At the same time ada la jual pelbagai tudung kita sendiri. Hihi. Farhanah will be on the creative department, decorating the interior design ke apa hehehe andd Athirah will handle the marketing department. With me!! (But I get to be at the reception counter okayy, to handle appoinments and take the calls loll hahahahaha) My mum kata it'd probably insya-Allah be a success at the overseas but..thats a long way to go...allahuakbar..hehehe
8. I am trying to be istiqamah in wearing socks and handsocks everytime I go out in public..pray for me guys..
9. I seriously like the quote that says beauty is in the eye of beholder. Bcs I like to think that there must be moreee than what its shown. There must be more than what the exterior offer. So yeah hahahahaha I mean, I'm not exactly the one that society will approve me as pretty right after they see me so yeah. I kinda hate that and so I am a firm believer on beauty is in the eye of beholder! Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion on beautyyy 😊😊
10. Once upon a time, when I was little, I was so sick so my grandma (their belief that it would make me feel better, it did I with His will ofcourse..psh orang tua tua dulu enn hahahaha) gave me a was so long and often my cousins (belah JB) will tease me about it 😑
Cik Intan Payung Gunung Meletup..haaaaa kebabom ennn hahahahahaha
11. Scarfettes was my idea..I mean, the name, it was my idea hehehehe. It is something that I'm still proud of huhu
12. I dont have a luggage. Yg beg roda selalu nampak kat KLIA tu en. I dont have oneeeee! My mum je ada hmmm
13. I have more handbags than I have shoes.
14. I only have a pair of wedges, blue denim ones hahahahaha and I only wear it like twice a year? Unfortunately, I dont have heels..never wear one either hmm
15. Selalu bila shopping, I'll look at the pricetags first. Always. Pricetags before brandtags. LOL
16. It is my dream to own a unit of condo!!!!!! Mesti boleh nampak KLCC and bangun subuh subuh wowww tgok sunrise and nanti sunsettt errgghh a must-have in futureeeee 😡😡
17. Teringin nk kerja kt KLIA...I just love the view..people rushing in and out..running to catch their flights or the leisure walk after sending their loved ones, urgghh I love it!! It may or may not one of the place that I might go whenever I'm in distress? Hehe. Lol bila boleh drive nnti la huhuhuhu
18. To be honest, I dont really care abt me getting a license...maybe bcs of my family's financial is a bit tight nowadays so Im like yeah cool ada lesen pun tkpe tkde lesen pun ok..I can feel that its just not the time yet? Hihi
19. I SUCKS IN CAR, DIRECTIONS AND PLACES. There. I've said it. Huwaaaaaaaaaaa I only know the brand of the cars that my parents have and had (thank God there were and are many lol) and I seriously need a GPS once I can drive. Huwa. Hm
20. I tried to be heartless and cold..but thats just not me. For two years, (standard 6 and form 1) I tried to be rebellious..but I was just tired. It drained my energy mentally and physically. And it seems, no one cares pun. Everyone distance themselves from me lagi I was sad. And unhappy. So this is me that you can see now. I am yes very much loud and trying to be as happy as I can, every single day insya-Allah. Jom sama sama jadi happyyyy hihihi
Wow. I've done it. Hehe. Your turnnnnnn 😙😙
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