Saturday, 24 January 2015

A New Phase..

January is almost over. That gives us less than two months till result day. I want to take this opportunity to get some things out. Things that may be relevant, maybe not so relevant. Either way nobody's really reading this anyway so whatever lah…

     We've graduated high school and now we're starting a new phase; college. Or university, whichever. We still have a bridge to cross though, called pre-u. I… cannot believe how much I'm stressing over deciding where to go what to do. Maybe it's just me but a lot of my classmates seem to be  calmer than I am, in a sense that, they don't freak out as much as I do. And that got me thinking if maybe I'm getting over-excited over this. 

     Am I? I must be, cause… i dunno. 
     I think I am.
     Am I getting way ahead of myself?  

     I have this weird desire that keeps getting stronger, it's making me gain hope of getting accepted to places that I know are well beyond my league. My academics are average, my co-curricular scores are average, I have a pretty much hidden personality, I have never done anything like volunteer work or things like that… There's no way I'll get accepted. I could but chances are I wouldn't.

     And I feel disappointed because I am putting so much hope of having a life-changing experience in college. Yeah big word, life-changing. To me personally I don't think college of just a place to get my credentials that would help me land a good job. I want to explore myself in college. I don't know if it's correct for me to assume this but I think college would offer me a more spiritual experience, discovering what I can do what I can't do what I like who I am, so many things that would help me grow into the adult that I want to be. 

     It's actually one of the main reasons I want to study overseas. Not that I am underestimating local institutions, a lot of our local universities are really good. I just think that, if I go to a local university I would sort of "settle down" in a very familiar environment, I wouldn't challenge myself, I would just dissolve into the background like I always do. If I force myself to go into a completely different and more importantly diverse environment, I gain a million different perspectives in a million different issues and topics. I could try and understand why the world is how it is and how it was. I could donate a piece of my mind even to make an actual change in how the world is run. 

     Plus, when else would I get the chance to travel? Once I graduate, there is no guarantee of what life would be like. I want college to be a fulfilling experience. I want it to be the start of a fulfilling life. Maybe I am naive to think this, maybe not. I have no idea what life in college would be like, but I'm hoping it'd be great.

Pray for me :)
Pray for all of us.
In fact, pray for everything. That's better, right?

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