Friday, 30 January 2015

Twenty notsoRandom Facts About Watashi (part two :))

Since there seems to be no any new entry, I am continuing the twenty not so random facts ;D


11. I would bring my laptop into the bathroom so that I could hear to music when my hand phone dies. Which is an occasional thing as you guys know. I would measure the time with the music playing from my laptop.

12. There was this one time where I visited my telephone shop and they had a new worker, A. I haven't meet him yet so I went over and talked with A. After a few minutes, the guy who was preparing my phone, B, called me to check whether the phone meets the requirement I wanted. Hence, I discussed with B concerning my phone. Meanwhile I saw A went out of the shop in a hurry. Probably taking stocks I guessed. By the time I finished talking with B, I saw A was already back and so I adjourned the conversation. The most unbelievable thing that happened was that he actually asked me to go and watch Ah Beng (It was a popular movie at that time) in the cinema at the lower level. *wtfish moment* I said I couldn't cause I have no transport if I didn't went back with my sister. However, he offered to send me home, belanja me makan and he had already bought the ticket. Unbelievable! I refused in the end anyway. so yeah >__< 

13. When I shower, my routine is always the same, unless I don't have the product. I will fist and foremost shampoo my hair. Afterwards, I will condition my hair while waiting for the conditioner to process I will brush my teeth and shave. Once I wash away my conditioner, I will proceed to wash my face and finally I will soap my body (twice sometimes) :D

14. I have listen to a few FULL albums. 
           a) The Cab - Symphony Soldier (excluding Her Love Is My Religion here)
           b) Micheal Buble - Caught In The Act
           c) Frank Sinatra - Greatest Hit | The Best of Frank Sinatra
           d) Fall Out Boys - Save Rock And Roll
       I'm not including Yiruma because I adore SOME of his pieces only. Hence I don't usually listen to the full album, I usually mix. Hm.. I think that's all there is; my favorite albums :)

15. There is about 10 days until I depart from Malaysia to Australia.

16. I don't really like to eat chocolate anymore. I have no idea why. I might have got to the point where I ate too many chocolate in my life and I just am just not fond of them anymore. Well, a more healthy life for me. *thumbs up, grins*

17. I don't know if this counts but my interest changes in an instant. You could see me really obsessed with something so much till the point of no sleep because I'm learning about it. However, when I know the basic or understand how the particular thing works, I tend to lose interest or have less interest in it.

18. I have always wanted a Panda or a Tiger as a really close pet rather than a hamster or a cat. Maybe a grizzly bear even but not a polar bear. or a black bear. oh and a red panda! I wish I was a trillionaire to have these as pets. hmmm... -____- life is so hard.

19.  I find post crossing and using snail mail from friends all over the world is a really precious gift :)

20. *sigh* Finally.. the last one. *wipes sweat off forehead* I was running out of idea already. I still haven't told the person I wanted to tell most about the offer I receive to study abroad.

Well, there you go folks! Twenty random facts about me :) I cracked my brains out in order to get to twenty but I guess it was fun! Hope you find these interesting and I hope it does not bore you too much >____<  See ya soon anonymous folks! Have a wonderful year!

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Twenty notsoRandom Facts About Watashi (part one?)

Why not so random? Trying to be funny? No. Trust me, I have been thinking and yeah took a while to finish it  >_< This is mostly impromptu cause I forgot what I initially wanted to write here. so here goes


1. I get sick easily when I was little. Prolonged fever, Nebulizer was my best friend during the time of crisis, different hospital because I tend to travel (xsedar diri tu sakit), I would get convulsion at times and that's why my family will worry if I get a fever even though it haven't happen for quite some time now.

2. When I do get high fever now I tend to cry. I don't know why. I'm not scared or anything but I will cry. It's not like I whine until the next door neighbour could hear me but my tears will just spill down my face.

3. I have a power bank now. Yeay me <3 so I think things will go smoothly from now on. I love my new power bank so much. 

4. The song Maps by Maroon 5, for some odd reason, reminds me of myself when I was having a fall with my spiritual side. Story of me unconsciously drifting away from Allah, battle between Allah and the devil, and lastly digging myself out of the dark hole of emptiness. Should I tell you guys how they story goes?

5. I fancy my new Rilakkuma file where there are a whole flock of chubby little squish-able chicken minding their own business.

6. I'm rolled up in my blanket while typing this out. This is still acceptable right *grins* random factss~~

7. Oh, my first dental visit (I think). This is a true story! So I went to the hospital to pull my tooth out. Waited and waited for a lacklustre amount of time till finally it was my turn. Got in, sat on the chair, chatted with the doctor and got my local anesthesia shot. She asked my about whether the medicine is working or not and as a child who have no experience of what numb is suppose to feel, I said "Well, yeah. It's working." and the dentist pluck my tooth out of it's socket. You know what comes next. It was an unpleasant experience and I cried. It was when I was on my way back that I learnt what numbing is SUPPOSED to feel like. Learnt the hard way boys and girls!

8.  I am worried about a friend of mine right now because she has gone into depressed mode about me furthering my studies to Australia. She rarely goes for meal time, her social life is destroyed, she never go any event that are not compulsory to go like the colour fest yesterday, she doesn't want to tell me about her studies and she just want to stay in her room. She was so sociable and so smart before and everyone is extremely worried about her drastic change. People say she turned into a gangster now.

9. I'm currently wanting to throw all my figures and dolls away. Well, sell more specifically cause you guys know I love making money ;D

10. It's been a really long time since I watch One Piece D: I feel like I just betrayed Luffy but I think he will understand. I don't know why I haven't watch any anime these days. However, I do read a lot of manga ^________^

So here's my TEN random facts. lt's longer than what I intend to and I'm a little concern to continue. Ahahahahah XD I really want to do twenty but it's going to be really dragged out though. Oh a little sneak peek of part two to intrigued you ?

11. I would bring my laptop into the bathroom so that I could hear to music when my hand phone dies. Which is an occasional thing as you guys know. I would measure the time with the music playing from my laptop.

So what do you guys think? Should I continue?

Fact Request Granted

I am doing this super spontaneously so kay here goes nothing…

            20 FACTS ABOUT ME

1. I daydream a lot. About something particular, you guys know this. This condition is still debatable but I took a quiz and basically it "diagnosed" me as having MD. 

2. I've had two worst birthdays in a row now, totally my fault. Wondering if I'll have a third.

3. I have a thing for people with a specific eye shape. 

4. I can get obsessed over people's height.

5. I can be very argumentative and that is a side of me that I don't really like. 

6. I don't express myself very well.

7. The animal I am most realistically terrified of are sharks. Ever since I was a kid.

8. I became best friends with one of my best friends because of my period, so thank you menstruation. 

9. I over think. And it can be very bad. 

10. I under think. That can be very bad too. Especially if you're a student facing exams. Curse you, math.

11. I am not as brave as I want to be. Especially during times when it really matters. 

12. I have never broken a bone in my body. Not a single one.

13. One of my two front teeth is actually chipped. I got it fixed when I was 13. 

14. I secretly wish to be stylish but I realize that I love being lazy so I guess that's my style. Lazy-wear.

15. I have a scar shaped like a wave under my lower lip. 

16. I am an emotional person. I cry easily. Especially during movies or through a good book. 

17. I get jealous over people with really good posture cause it seems impossible for me to not slouch.

18. I am scared that adulthood would force me to wear high heels I can't take the pain, I've tried and I can't, it hurts too much.

19. Same thing goes for makeup. I don't like to wear makeup, but my mom keeps telling me my face looks like I just got up from bed and nobody will take me seriously if i keep it that way. 

20. Number 20 already? Okay last one. I have so much love to give, but too little to show. This is a big problem for me. A big, big problem. I hope I could fix it. 

A New Phase..

January is almost over. That gives us less than two months till result day. I want to take this opportunity to get some things out. Things that may be relevant, maybe not so relevant. Either way nobody's really reading this anyway so whatever lah…

     We've graduated high school and now we're starting a new phase; college. Or university, whichever. We still have a bridge to cross though, called pre-u. I… cannot believe how much I'm stressing over deciding where to go what to do. Maybe it's just me but a lot of my classmates seem to be  calmer than I am, in a sense that, they don't freak out as much as I do. And that got me thinking if maybe I'm getting over-excited over this. 

     Am I? I must be, cause… i dunno. 
     I think I am.
     Am I getting way ahead of myself?  

     I have this weird desire that keeps getting stronger, it's making me gain hope of getting accepted to places that I know are well beyond my league. My academics are average, my co-curricular scores are average, I have a pretty much hidden personality, I have never done anything like volunteer work or things like that… There's no way I'll get accepted. I could but chances are I wouldn't.

     And I feel disappointed because I am putting so much hope of having a life-changing experience in college. Yeah big word, life-changing. To me personally I don't think college of just a place to get my credentials that would help me land a good job. I want to explore myself in college. I don't know if it's correct for me to assume this but I think college would offer me a more spiritual experience, discovering what I can do what I can't do what I like who I am, so many things that would help me grow into the adult that I want to be. 

     It's actually one of the main reasons I want to study overseas. Not that I am underestimating local institutions, a lot of our local universities are really good. I just think that, if I go to a local university I would sort of "settle down" in a very familiar environment, I wouldn't challenge myself, I would just dissolve into the background like I always do. If I force myself to go into a completely different and more importantly diverse environment, I gain a million different perspectives in a million different issues and topics. I could try and understand why the world is how it is and how it was. I could donate a piece of my mind even to make an actual change in how the world is run. 

     Plus, when else would I get the chance to travel? Once I graduate, there is no guarantee of what life would be like. I want college to be a fulfilling experience. I want it to be the start of a fulfilling life. Maybe I am naive to think this, maybe not. I have no idea what life in college would be like, but I'm hoping it'd be great.

Pray for me :)
Pray for all of us.
In fact, pray for everything. That's better, right?

Friday, 9 January 2015

20 (totally random) facts about me!!!! 💕💕

So since we know each other, I dont think I need to properly introduce myself, I mean, I wont include such crappy facts such as how old am I and my birthday. Things like that. Not even my full name bcs I act know and memorize and also can write down each of your full name with its correct spelling so I KNOW you do have the same ability as I am....right girls? 😏😏

Ok. Here we go. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

1. Kalau Aida makan rempeyek je, Aida mesti buang kacang dia hahahahaha. Walaupun skrg ni ada rempeyek yg mmg tkde kacang.....I still dont like that one. I prefer the old-school rempeyek eventho I have to remove its nuts. Yes. A lot of work but totally worth it!! Lol

2. My favourite vegetable would be mushroom!!!!! I adore mushroom. Terutamanya cendawan goreng ahhhhhhhh 💖💖💖

Ironically, first two of my facts are regarding food. Oh well. Moving on

3. Sometimes I can be so harsh with my siblings, I'll try to make it up with my patting their heads or smiling/grinning at them. Oh...I hate myself.

4. I used to not like hugs especially with my loved ones bcs I feel em attached to them? I feel needy and clingy. But now I just dont care anymore. Bcs now I know that if I restraint myself from getting or accepting those hugs, there'd be a time one day that I'd seriously regret my decision bcs its like taking what u have now for granted..I mean, not everyone still has a mum to hug..

5. I love to wear inai!!! Hahahahahahaha it makes me feel like a real woman!! I feel so feminine. Seriously. And when I found out that Rasulullah also encourages us woman wears inai (on our fingernails je rasanya, other parts wallahua'lam) that makes my love for inai grows even strongerrrr huhuhuhuuhu. The drawings like the flower that Farhanah drew on my hand pun Aida suka sangat!!!!! It has been my dream to have a henna drawing on my hand hehehehehehe and I would totally do it over and over again!! Inai would never be out of trend looool so much loyalty for inai haahhh, my husband should be jealous hahahahaha

6. Aida sbnarnya tak suka campur bahasa inggeris dgn bahasa melayu dlm satu ayat. Thats why I dont really like typing in Malay. Bcs I know I'd mixed it (accidentally or not, wallahua'lam hahahaha) with English words!! Since I sound really formal-like whenever I typed in full Malay hahahahaha sooo yeahh

7. My dream is actually having a tudung boutique where I work as a receptionist, my sister and Aznira will be the consultants, bcs I'm dreaming of a boutique where we offer to teach people how to wear tudung according to syariah andddd to be stylish at the same time!!! At the same time ada la jual pelbagai tudung kita sendiri. Hihi. Farhanah will be on the creative department, decorating the interior design ke apa hehehe andd Athirah will handle the marketing department. With me!! (But I get to be at the reception counter okayy, to handle appoinments and take the calls loll hahahahaha) My mum kata it'd probably insya-Allah be a success at the overseas but..thats a long way to go...allahuakbar..hehehe

8. I am trying to be istiqamah in wearing socks and handsocks everytime I go out in public..pray for me guys..

9. I seriously like the quote that says beauty is in the eye of beholder. Bcs I like to think that there must be moreee than what its shown. There must be more than what the exterior offer. So yeah hahahahaha I mean, I'm not exactly the one that society will approve me as pretty right after they see me so yeah. I kinda hate that and so I am a firm believer on beauty is in the eye of beholder! Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion on beautyyy 😊😊

10. Once upon a time, when I was little, I was so sick so my grandma (their belief that it would make me feel better, it did I with His will ofcourse..psh orang tua tua dulu enn hahahaha) gave me a was so long and often my cousins (belah JB) will tease me about it 😑
Cik Intan Payung Gunung Meletup..haaaaa kebabom ennn hahahahahaha

11. Scarfettes was my idea..I mean, the name, it was my idea hehehehe. It is something that I'm still proud of huhu

12. I dont have a luggage. Yg beg roda selalu nampak kat KLIA tu en. I dont have oneeeee! My mum je ada hmmm

13. I have more handbags than I have shoes.

14. I only have a pair of wedges, blue denim ones hahahahaha and I only wear it like twice a year? Unfortunately, I dont have heels..never wear one either hmm

15. Selalu bila shopping, I'll look at the pricetags first. Always. Pricetags before brandtags. LOL

16. It is my dream to own a unit of condo!!!!!! Mesti boleh nampak KLCC and bangun subuh subuh wowww tgok sunrise and nanti sunsettt errgghh a must-have in futureeeee 😡😡

17. Teringin nk kerja kt KLIA...I just love the view..people rushing in and out..running to catch their flights or the leisure walk after sending their loved ones, urgghh I love it!! It may or may not one of the place that I might go whenever I'm in distress? Hehe. Lol bila boleh drive nnti la huhuhuhu

18. To be honest, I dont really care abt me getting a license...maybe bcs of my family's financial is a bit tight nowadays so Im like yeah cool ada lesen pun tkpe tkde lesen pun ok..I can feel that its just not the time yet? Hihi

19. I SUCKS IN CAR, DIRECTIONS AND PLACES. There. I've said it. Huwaaaaaaaaaaa I only know the brand of the cars that my parents have and had (thank God there were and are many lol) and I seriously need a GPS once I can drive. Huwa. Hm

20. I tried to be heartless and cold..but thats just not me. For two years, (standard 6 and form 1) I tried to be rebellious..but I was just tired. It drained my energy mentally and physically. And it seems, no one cares pun. Everyone distance themselves from me lagi I was sad. And unhappy. So this is me that you can see now. I am yes very much loud and trying to be as happy as I can, every single day insya-Allah. Jom sama sama jadi happyyyy hihihi

Wow. I've done it. Hehe. Your turnnnnnn 😙😙

Saturday, 3 January 2015

The Explosion Box

Errr... *coughcough* Hi Farhanah here! ^^

I honestly never had a blog before and I never imagine that I would be part of  the blogger society. I have little courage with interacting with humans as a consequence I am quite terrible in expressing myself. Hence, I hope that with this ,step by step, I will be more confident with myself.

I was bored yesterday and so I had decided to proceed with a new project. Recently,well not really, I have had my eyes on this project from somewhere around August but because I was busy with school it have been delayed for a tedious amount of time.... till NOW! This awesome and exciting new project is called THE EXPLOSION BOX *applause*

It is a gorgeous crafted box where you can use it as mini album, precious note holder or anything your imagination is limited to. It's perfect for that special someone or as a birthday and wedding gift. (I'm sure they'll be touched by the effort you've put into this if you make it your own) The style are infinitely versatile as you could create it yourself (or order it at our future shop *grins*).

I'm going to stop rambling now and present you with some of the pictures of my explosion box which is by the way still in process. Enjoy!

Okay, sorry but I have to intrude. Due to the fact that I'm a dummy, i forgot to take a picture to show how it's suppose to 'explode'. So here's an outline, when you receive it, it's suppose to be (obviously by the name) a box. Then once you have opened it, it will 'explode' and the side falls to make it into  a scrapbook type of item.

so here's what it looks like after the 'explosion'

1st Section

Oh, forgot to mention the weird card discount are a display to show that you can insert a Polaroid there ;D

2nd Section

Shout-out for the Scarfettes boutique ladies and gentleman! They offer modern and comfortable scarfs that make any women look stylish while at the same time graceful ;) 
Wear it not only as a hijab but as a scarf and wrap in winter as well!

3rd Section 

4th Section

So, that's where I got to. I was extremely exhausted and could not continue anymore. My back was sore after 3 hours of sitting and my eyes were watery. The second my head touched the pillow, I was already in slumber land and with that I conclude my very long story. If you read everything thank you so much ahahah I tend to write a lot as I can easily get carried away.

much love, cookie

Friday, 2 January 2015


Perhatian, demi memelihara kepentingan kesulitan blog, saya terpaksa mengambil tindakan dengan mempromosikan kedai iffah.

Ye, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, Kedai Iffah bukan sahaja menjual pelbagai baju berkualiti malah turut menyediakan servis mengurut dan memotong rambut!

Wau! Menakjubkan!

Silalah kunjungi kedai ini yang menawarkan barangan import menarik dari Korea...

Harga yang ditawarkan juga mampu membuatkan anda lemah lutut, rambang mata, pening kepala, muntah-muntah namun jangan risau kerana servis mengurut yang disediakan pasti boleh mencergaskan anda kembali!

Kedai ini terletak berdekatan econsave di tingkat 1.

Silalah kunjungi ya?
Bantulah rakan muda kita ini melancarkan bisnes idamannya.

Jasa baik anda akan dikenang.



High school? Done.

Now what?

We've been talking about graduating for the past 3 years, I think. It used to be the thing that was on everybody's mind. Some were nervous, some were excited, some just didn't care. But now that we're actually outta school, officially, what happens? I mean, I really have no idea.

Sure, college, universities, those two would almost ALWAYS be the number one topic that society would talk about to pretty much any SPM leaver. Your grandparents, your cousins, your local fast food cashier, random uncles and aunties you meet at the bus stop, the taxi driver, you can bet they're all gonna ask the same question;


Yeahhhh..... okay but there has to be more to life for a recent SPM leaver than just scrambling our heads applying into universities, right?
How come so few people talk about options other than going to college? In reality, not everybody ends up in college. Going to college and getting accepted is made into such a huge obligation to us all that you end up thinking if I don't go to college that's it my whole life is screwed, I am a failure, I have brought eternal shame unto my family, and so on...

What happens to the people who doesn't end up in college? Yes, education is important, but education comes in different forms and why does it seem that people who don't have a degree are looked down upon? If this is not the reality, then perspectives need to really get fixed because that's the way we (SPM leavers) are taught to see it. Most of us.

I am just a little bit frustrated by the insane amount of pressure set upon us in deciding the best for our future. I am barely 18. Some peeps JUST turned 17. Telling us that we would pay horrible consequences if we make the wrong choices over and over again is not a good way to help us actually make a good decision. Our brains are wired differently. (I've read it up in a NatGeo mag, it is scientifically proven, people). I think some people might even go crazy over this.

Blugh, and Farhanah has already applied to a university and has like a 50% chance of flying off to Australia and start her foundation year in February.

The rush, is another factor of turning us into lunatics. Many are well aware of this.


For any of you reading, please suggest ways to spend these couple of months we have in solitude to do things that would actually result in perspective broadening. A lot of us are getting jobs. What else would be doable aside from that?

Thanks for reading, peace out homies :)

Thursday, 1 January 2015

I didnt even reread my post so yeah wtvr. Oh hi 2015!!! hehehehe mmmuuuahhhh

Assalamualaikum, ni Book hahahahaha.
I'm blogging using my mum's hp so buat pejam mata eh buat buat tk nmpak kalau ada typo yg bersepah sepah~~

Well it seems like Athirah wanted me to introduce yguys. So here we go...

We have the bossy (me), the Mr-Know-It-All (Crust), the one who always smile but rarely speaks (Booty) and the one who is always at lost/confused about everything on Earth (Cookie). Yeah. I think that justifies everything.

Me is occasionally (yeah right) loud, while Crust is em in between, Cookie well most of the time I have no idea what shes talking about and Booty, shes the worst one, I think most of the time I understand her hand gestures a lot well than I understand what shes trying to say using the actual words. Hahahahaha. We are really a bunch of opposites kan?

My sister always said to me that we are weird. Our friendships are really weird. Why do I friends with weird? My mum gave the answer me today; its not the weirdness that make us stay, its the tolerance with each other. Kita boleh terima masing-masing punya kekurangan dan kelebihan. I think our friendships has passed those days where we tried to be better than each other...tak..kita dah takde terfikir dah pasal tu (well for me la) right now what matters the most is to accept each others flaws and encourage each others to see to it and accept it too..eventually we help each other to become someone whos much better than we were few years past..

Remember Nadiah? My so-called-bestfriend? Hahaha. I was wrong. I think now when I looked back, the only reason why I stick to her all those days sbb dia senang. Shes the kind of friends that society, I mean people around me approved. People has always expected me to be those kind of girls yg keluar sana sini, mingling with guys and em updates her Instagram with ootds and I dont know my hangout places 24/7. I'm not like that. I was lost guys. Seriously. I'm so sorry. What I'm trying to say is, eventho they dont get the friendships that we have, yela dahla kita semua rarely post gambar kita together, not the kind of person who talks on social medias openly with each other and yknow, the normal stuff they usually do, I'm glad we dont. Bcs I know that this is what my heart wants. The kind of friendship that I know it'll lasts insya-Allah. Bcs we, indirectly has keep most of our secrets, our stuffs that we did together to ourselves so we have no one to judge us and say no you're not supposed to do this nor that, we are free from all of that silly judgements. We know that we have each other to trust and to hold onto till whenever.

Ok I kinda babbled a lot like a lot I forgot why I even write this post in the first place but yeah, what I'm trying to say is that I'm really, really glad to have been given the chance to get to know each of u personally and alhamdulillah He let us to stay together till now. Alhamdulillah sangat. Like I've always said kat korang, kadang-kadang terpandang muka korang masa kita tgh sembang-sembang gelak-gelak semua, the one question that will always crossed my mind is what will happened if I didnt meet you guys? If we were not best friends, what would happened to me? Where would I be now? And trust me, I kinda know the answers to it but its too scary to type it here bcs, well its unimaginable. Really. So yeah. This is the first post from me. Signing out now.

Love, Book <3