Hi assalamualaikum uguys.
Sucks isnt it not being able to see each other on daily basis? Even sucks knowing that that would be no sleepover this time around on that school holiday, which we doesnt even have any school holidays anymore after this, except what they called that, ah, semester break.
What an adult word to use, semester break. Lol. But thats what we are going to be anytime soon right? Two or three years top from now? Adults. Oh my God, such a long way to go dont you think?
But here we are now: spm-burden-free bunch of people, I seriously sincerely didnt know that that is a possible thing hahahha. My imagination runs too wild sometimes. I seriously thought that Id never make it to sit for the spm examination. Heck even after Ive finished sitting for spm, I thought I wouldnt make it to take the result with you guys. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I think in the end Im just being realistic. Who knows what couldve happened in the future dont u think?
Our friendship might end anytime soon, whose to say it wouldnt?
No one knows.
But of course, one could only hope for the better, with the guidance from Allah.
Sometimes I feel really ashamed talking about religion stuff, as if I'm that religious but it needed to be said, it needed to be hold on to, truthfully sometimes its the only thing that keeps me going. That makes me strong enough to survive another day. Allah.
Befriending me, I'm sure uguys know how ugly I can be at times, I'm glad Allah still let me keep u guys by my side, but yeah, I can be really really ugly, inside and out. But He will always be there, always be and has always been. Its just, we just need time to see that.
Im sure u guys agree that this past few weeks has been hard on all of us, in our own way. Sometimes we comfort each other in the midst of our own hardship, see how great that turns out? That is one of Allah's promise actually, we make other people happy and we will be happy too, in fact we might even be happier than we used to be.
I too dont have any wisdom words to share or great advice to give on how to deal with the hard stuff in your life right now, but I hope if any of you need a pair of ear and a set of eyes to hear and read your rants, I'm here. I might not be right on time, but Im still here. This is an offer that I hope you guys would take, for this offer has no expiration date.
Thanks guys, I love you. Ishtakhtu ilaiki.
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