Life is like a set of mysterious stairs.
You just keep on climbing it, without seeing its end.
You hold onto its rail- trusting where it'll bring you.
Sometimes you feel like giving up, not wanting to continue climbing it.
Sometimes you'll feel like you've had enough of the mystery, silently tilting your head upwards, trying to see what's there- in the end.
But each time you failed. Because the stairs won't let you peek.
It says, "hard work forever pays, be patience, me love."
So every time, you hold onto those words- and its rail.
Because you believe, that eventually, it'll all pays in the end.
It'll be worth it.
You will see what's there- in the end.
But as for now, you just have to keep climbing.
With trust and patience, you'll make it.
God knows I know, you'll make it.
Love, Book
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