Time does not allow us to present you with an introduction, but that is only of this moment. A proper intro will be written, if somebody is willing enough to do one, but we shall straight away go to our first blog entry.
So far what has been going on is our very first two-night sleepover. Two of our members, Book and Booty have returned to their respectful quarters, (perghh ayat aku), so here left in front of the screen, there is me. And there is Cookie, wait who is me, I am ... Crust. (DUNN DUNN DUNN)
Cookie : Hi :) (leaves)
p/s : can't wait to get to know you guys in the future *thumbs up*
Crust : I passed you the key board so you could do wonders with the world of storytelling and you freakin gimme this? Typical Cookie la deyy.
Eerrrhanahahahhaha : *looks at Crust*
umm... yup. *goes back to doing i don't know what*
Crust: Very well then. This is starting to feel like a reversed tug-of-war. But for the sake of proceeding, and avoiding Book from questioning our ability to handle a real blog, we shall start with actual contents. What I have personally felt during these two nights spent together with the three girls is familiarity. I think we have gone past that phase where we get awkward or suddenly excited when first seeing each other after not seeing each other for a long time. It has gotten to that point where you can just disappear (whoa Cookie just corrected my spelling, umm okayyy) for AGES but there is no reduction towards the tight-knit bond we have between ourselves. It is simply, going back to where you belong. This much I can say for now. Giving up the keyboard now.
Cookie: I don't know what to say and how to express these feelings that I have been feeling when we were reunited but in simple and short term, this is home.
Crust:.........Do continue.
Cookie: *squeeze Sam* Love is something that can't be expressed in words or action but feel with you heart. (ewah hahahaha pshh) mkbye.
Crust: Perhaps, but there is no harm in trying to convey those feelings, I mean communication plays a HUGE role in humanity. Never mind, this train is derailing. So should we stop here? I dunno what else to talk about.
Cookie: I LOVE YOU BABY! *wink* okay ... time for the train to depart. See you guys, or girls, at the next stop!
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